Where Do You Get Information when Twitter Is Gone?

I covered where to find online community after leaving Facebook but what about Twitter? Twitter is good not just for community (in fact it’s no longer really good for that) but more so for surfacing interesting links.

The first answer to the question is already answered in my previous post: distributed Twitter-like services, Reddit and RSS.

There is one other place where I get most of my quality information and links, and that is curated email lists. Here are my favorites.

The Offscrean Dispatch, “A hand-picked selection of great apps, accessories, and articles in your inbox every Tuesday,” from the makers of Offscreen Magazine (“a print magazine with a thoughtful, human-centred take on technology and the web”).

Software Lead Weekly, “a weekly email for busy people who care about people, culture and leadership.”

The Great Discontent, another print magazine’s weekly email newsletter. “…inspiring conversations with today’s artists, makers, and risk-takers.”

You could subscribe to Boing Boing via RSS, or subscribe to their curated newsletter. One of the web’s originals (since 1995).

AngelList’s weekly newsletter is focused on startup jobs, but is well crafted and thematic every week.

If you’re in Dallas and into tech, Dallas Innovates’s daily email is worth it.

For productivity nerds, Time Dorks is by the authors of Sprint. They’re writing another book called Make Time.

Simon Sinek’s daily aphorisms are actually really good.

This is a plug for a friend, but if you’re into really well-crafted cultural critisicm, you can get about weekly doses for $1 a month by becoming a patron of Howard Ingham.

Ditto, except this time philosophy, from Peter Rollins.

Dan Pink’s Pinkcast, biweekly, brief chunks of good content from the productivity and motivation guru.

The Athletic’s Fun Times Friday. Cycling apparel company’s weekly links about mostly things other than cycling.

Last, and far from least, Rodens Explorers Club, sent a few times a year by Craig Mod, a thoughtful writer, photographer and traveler.

Whew! That’s a lot, and not all that I’m subscribed to (I left off more specific topics, like education, meditation, product development and specific technologies). I should probably unsubscribe from a lot of stuff.

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