Web Log

First off, hello from Ubuntu! I just got Jekyll running on here. It wasn’t hard. I also didn’t maintain my Sublime Text settings, so I found a new theme and I really like it. It’s ayu-mirage. New is good.

Today has been Bandcamp Friday and I’ve spent a lot of time today discovering new music. I just found Owen. Incredible music and every record is name-your-own-price. I’m buying (almost) all of his vast catalog.

Here are some other records I bought today:

What Makes Some People More Resilient Than Others


I started a new job this week. More on that at a later date.

At new job we write daily summaries of what we worked on. Starting on day two, I started titling my posts.

Manifesto Hot Sauce

Conway’s Law

You BETter Shape Up

I plan on writing a really great title for my first week’s summing-up but haven’t yet.

Previous: Christo

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